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It's not magic, it's math – seeing into the future of your assets

Utilities in Asia Pacific are facing many challenges: aging assets, stagnant budgets, new operating risks resulting from distributed energy resources, and a workforce in transition. From industry deregulation in Japan to 5-minute settlement in Australia, the utility market must be prepared for different possible scenarios, trade-offs and impacts in order to make optimal decisions. Opportunities and rewards exist for efficient market participation, but do you know enough about the future of your assets?

Join Hitachi Energy's industry expert Moritz von Plate for an informative webinar on the next-level prognostics and scenario simulations you need to succeed in today’s complex environment.

Why should you attend

You will learn:

  • How the next level of prognostics and scenario simulations provide knowledge of “when” and “what if” for asset failures
  • Ways to optimise scheduling and scoping of maintenance based on market condition forecasts or prescheduled outages
  • How to benefit from Hitachi Energy's asset performance management prognostics
  • Customer Success Stories and industry challenges

Whom is it relevant for?

  • Power generation executives, asset managers and engineers looking to lower maintenance and capital costs and resolve risks before they materialize.
  • Chief information officers and solution architects looking for scalable applications with cybersecurity, single sign-on and a standardised integration to common third-party systems.


Moritz von Plate

VP Business Development

Available on demand