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Grid-eMotion™ Fleet

Preparing grids to meet the growing demand for EV fleet charging


This episode explores the anticipated, widespread electrification of vehicle fleets - from city buses to delivery vans to maintenance vehicles - and how the need to charge all these vehicles will impact power grids. Featuring guests Brian Wilki, Director of Business Development NY Transportation Electrification National Grid. Gary Rackliffe Vice President Market Development and Innovation, North America Hitachi Energy.

Featured links

National Grid & Hitachi Energy Fleet Electrification Study
National Grid EV Charging Station Programs
Fleet Electrification Provides Great Opportunity — If Done Right (T&D World)

Get to know more

Kurt Steinert
Head of External Communications, North America
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About the author

Big proponent of sustainability. (and proud owner of a solar PV array) Writer by training and inclination, who appreciates a good turn of phrase. Regular consumer of podcasts on spirituality and politics.