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Inspection Insights

Enabled with video, image and satellite-based insights, businesses can now easily identify, understand, and diagnose defects in assets from multiple sources at any scale.
High speed intercity train traveling through autumn forest


How to optimize vegetation management for rail operations

Online on 25.02.2025

Introducing the Lumada Inspection Insights portfolio

No one wants critical infrastructure to fail. No one wants to put workers or the public at risk. But no one has unlimited O&M budgets and resources to spend at will, so facilities and operations teams struggle to maintain, safeguard and future-proof assets and sites with technology and processes that cannot keep up with the demand.

Lumada’s Inspection Insights portfolio is the new frontier for asset-intensive industries

A complete solution that provides an easier, more cost-effective and scalable way to:

  • Ingest and process image data (thousands per second) from satellite, video and still photography
  • Automatically detect, inspect, monitor and diagnose asset health
  • Recommend ways to manage and lower risks by alerting field crews

Inspection insights analytics will help you optimize operations and maintenance while reducing O&M costs, risks and your carbon footprint.

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Safer and more resilient operations. 

AI-based digital solutions that automate inspection processes by analyzing all visual inspection data to empower utilities with insights that reduce outages, improve worker safety, and extend asset life cycles. Reduce the risk of catastrophic events, while creating a safer, more sustainable infrastructure.

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Our offering

Vegetation Manager

Vegetation Manager is a turnkey cut plan optimization tool that enables utilities to plan, monitor, report and prevent vegetation-related issues.

Intelligent Infrastructure Monitoring

Transform video into insights, combined with internet of things (IoT) and business data to gain comprehensive intelligence for your operations or business.


At-a-glance visibility into network issues, work order status, and asset / workforce locations for unprecedented situational awareness, dispatching intelligence and quick action.

55% reduction

Up to 55% reduction in inspection costs

24% savings

Up to 24% inspection cost savings

3% reduction

Up to 3% reduction in SAIDI
power plant engineer for substation

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