Long-term resource planning for strategic assessment and development
Capacity Expansion
The Capacity Expansion solution delivers robust resource planning, capacity expansion, and emissions compliance planning. It enables resource planners and portfolio managers to efficiently assess and develop strategies to address current and evolving renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and emissions regulations.
Create Long Term Resource Plans. Manage the complexity of meeting future load and contract obligations so you can create optimal long term resource plans.
Better Decision Making. Analyze renewable portfolio standards and emissions regulations giving you a foundation for better decision making.
Meet Long-term Reliability Requirements. Produce 20 to 30-year comprehensive resource investment plans so you can confidently meet long-term reliability requirements.
Evaluate Resource Acquisitions. Run scenarios for resource acquisition so you can determine the best combination of resources to minimize cost and meet renewable and emissions regulations.
Stay Compliant. Support for environmental and RPS compliance planning allows you to conform with industry regulations.
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