За Хитачи Енерджи
Хитачи Енерджи е водещ световен лидер на системи за електроенергия и автоматизация, системи, продукти и решения за обслужване на цялата верига: генериране, предаване и разпространение на електроенергия, което позволява по-силна, по-интелигентна и по-зелена мрежа.
Бизнесът обслужва клиенти от секторите на комунални услуги, промишленост, транспорт и инфраструктура и се фокусира върху адресирането на ключови области, като например интегриране на възобновяеми енергийни източници, автоматизация на мрежата и други.
Предлагаме пълнaта гама от иновативни технологии и цялостни индивидуални решения чрез проектиране, доставка, изграждане, интегриране към електрическата мрежа, мониторинг и контрол, поддръжка и сервиз на големи фотоволтаични паркове, свързани към преносната електрическа мрежа.
Къде да ни намерите
Вижте всички локации на Хитачи Енерджи в България
Sofia - Sales Office
Sales Office of Hitachi Energy in Bulgaria
Hitachi Energy Bulgaria EOOD focuses on providing engineering solutions and electrical equipment for high voltage, both in the power and industrial sectors. Hitachi Energy in Bulgaria has been successfully involved in diverse projects related to the national energy system across the country.
The company has over 650 employees and operates currently three locations in the country - two in Sofia, a sales office and R&D center, and a production unit in Sevlievo.
Sevlievo - Production Unit
Production unit
Hitachi Energy Branch Sevlievo was established in 1962 and becаme part of ABB Group in 1996 with а production area of 14,600 sqm. The city Sevlievo is located in the north-central part of Bulgaria. The nearest airport is 175 km away in Sofia and the 2nd biggest railway hub is 9 km away close to Veliko Tarnovo.
In 2019 ABB’s High Voltage Products factory in Sevlievo, Bulgaria finished an investment program to establish a feeder factory (FF) for product groups GIS, GCB, and B&M. It also expanded its product assembly activities for Metal Enclosed Capacitor Banks (MECB) and High Voltage (HV) disconnectors.
The FF activities include component purchasing, assembly, and testing of modules and sub-assemblies. The FF setup is established in Bulgaria to supply to PPHV European sites and is executed in line with the E4E strategy. Additionally, the factory in Bulgaria has enlarged its activities as an assembly unit for MECBs and HV disconnectors, targeting to expand ABB's market presence in Europe for these products.
The main features of ABB GIS, like extremely low space requirements and high reliability, offer smart and economic solutions for complex switchgear applications, e.g. in densely populated areas, for aesthetic town planning or under severe environmental impact.
The MECB combines primary components and secondary control and protection within a compact modular enclosure. The equipment is suitable for both electrical distribution utilities and large industrial power users, including mining, paper, chemical, petrochemical, wind farms, plastic and heavy industry. It allows customers to reduce electricity charges and energy losses, increase network capacity and reduce voltage drop as well as the effect of starting large machines.
Hitachi Energy Bulgaria EOOD
32, Nikola Petkov str.
5400 Sevlievo
Contact us: bg-communications@hitachienergy.com
Company Certificates and Policies
- Health, Safety and Integrity
Policy on environmental management, health and safety at work -
Политика за управление на качеството, околната среда, безопастност и здраве при работа