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Customer Story

Hitachi Energy telecommunications and substation automation systems for Brazilian transmission project

Hitachi Energy has won a contract with a Spanish company ISOLUX CORSAN, main contractor for the Xingu and Macapá power transmission lines*, to provide substation automation and telecommunications systems for six new substations in Brazil.

Hitachi Energy substation automation and telecommunications systems will serve the 508 km Tucuruí-Xingu-Jurupari line and the 683 km Oriximiná-Jurupari-Laranjal-Macapá line.

The main components of Hitachi Energy’s delivery to Linhão are the substation automation systems that will be installed in three 500 kV new substations being built at Xingu, Jurupari and Oriximina. The systems use Hitachi Energy’s modular design to ensure maximum flexibility and the most cost-effective solution for the customer. In all, Hitachi Energy will supply 125 protection and control cabinets for the substations, the largest substation automation order Hitachi Energy has received in Brazil this year.


The new transmission lines will serve 27 towns and cities along the left bank of the Amazon

The panels will be equipped with Hitachi Energy’s Relion® 670 series protection and control IEDs (intelligent electronic devices). These units provide maximum flexibility and performance, and meet a range of requirements in generation and transmission protection systems.

The telecommunications equipment for the project will include products from Hitachi Energy’s Fox family of solutions. The Fox 505 multiplexer, for example, will enable multiple analogue signals or digital data streams to be combined and transmitted as a single signal, making the best possible use of the available bandwidth. The combination of Hitachi Energy’s experience, global support network and portfolio of complete solutions enables close cooperation with customers at every stage of the project, from planning through delivery to commissioning and after-sales service.

Careful planning in the Amazonas
Because of the extreme sensitivity of the Amazonian region and the challenging terrain, the Linhão project has been the subject of much scrutiny and careful planning. For example, the new line will cross the Amazon river in two stages at the island of Jurupari. The two stages, with two spans each, will be 1.2 km and 2.2 km wide, which means the transmission towers will need to be 150 and 295 meters high, respectively. The taller one almost as high as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Efforts have also been made to minimize the land use by reducing the width of the transmission corridor.

In addition to negative impact on the rain forest and human populations in the area, Linhão planners also considered the benefits of bringing hydropower to the near 3 million local residents. Offsetting the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions gained by replacing an estimated 1,000 MW of thermal generation against the rise in emissions caused by suppression of plant growth in the transmission corridor, the project is expected to avoid the emission of 1,460,000 tCO2e per year.

Customer statement

Hitachi Energy was chosen to participate in this demanding project because of its broad portfolio of substation automation products and systems, and its extensive experience in the delivery and commissioning of installations in challenging locations. Hitachi Energy has delivered key components for a number of transmission projects in South America.

Main data

The project is part of a Brazilian government scheme to connect the Amazon region in north-eastern Brazil to the power system serving the rest of the country. This is one of the largest transmission projects to be carried out in Brazil in recent years.

The Linhão, or “Big Line” project will ultimately connect the cities of Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state, and Macapá, the capital of Amapá state, with Tucuruí hydropower plant, Brazil’s second largest hydroelectric plant, which has a generation capacity of 8,370 MW. The new line will help to reduce local dependence on thermal power plants and diesel-powered generators in 27 of the towns and cities along the left bank of the Amazon River.