Generator circuit-breakers protect important assets in power plants by clearing potential harmful short-circuit faults in tens of milliseconds, preventing severe damages and enhancing power plant availability.
- GCB 70 years of innovation
- Hitachi Energy's generator circuit-breaker works behind the scene to protect power plants
- Strategic spare parts service solution for GCBs at Purulia Pump Storage Plant
Increase operational availability, safety and flexibility in all types of power plants around the globe
Hitachi Energy is the leader in design and manufacturing of GCBs since 1954 with more than 8,000 deliveries in over 100 countries. We offer the widest and most modern portfolio of GCBs in SF6 technology across a range of short circuit ratings from 63 kA to 300 kA and continuous currents from 6,300 A to over 50,000 A to meet the demand of all types of power plants around the globe as well as synchronous compensator applications.
GCBs increase protection of key equipment like generators and power transformers, ensure power plant availability, simplify operational procedures and reduce costs. Our GCBs are manufactured in Switzerland. We offer unique features like lean manufacturing for the shortest delivery time and the ability to participate in Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) personally or remotely using Remote Factory Acceptance Test (RFAT) from any place with access to internet connection.
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