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Customer Success Story


Series capacitor to reinforce a 220 kV interconnector in Angola

A 220 kV power corridor is under construction in Angola, to interconnect the country´s hitherto unconnected Northern and Central parts of the E.N.E. national grid system (Empresa Nacional de Electricidade), thereby enabling better and more widespread use of the country´s hydro resources in the north, as well as making hydro power available to the expansive coastal regions of the country.

By means of the interconnector, the central parts of Angola get access to the hydro power generated in the Kwanza river in the north. At present, the generating capacity is 560 MW, but several new dams are in the planning stage, with a future hydro power potential of 12.000 MW.

The power interconnector has a length of 250 km. To enable sufficient amounts of power to be transmitted under stable conditions over the interconnector, a series capacitor is part of the project. The series capacitor, rated at 30 Mvar at 220 kV, is located at the Gabela substation in the northern end of the Cambambe-Quileva interconnector. It went into operation in 2011.

Main data
System FSC 
Commissioning year 2011
System voltage  220 kV
Rated reactive power  30 Mvar
Rated reactance  37.5 Ω
Rated current  517 A
30 min overload current  698 A
Type of protection  MOV, gapless