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History of the electrical grid

By Dr. Markus Heimbach
12-06-2024 | 8 min read

Dive into the exciting world of energy!

Learn about the energy transition, history of the grid, high-voltage innovations, and more.

Welcome to the Power Pulse podcast blog series, where we delve into the exciting world of energy.

The Power Pulse podcast’s brand-new season features the brightest minds in the industry as they examine the challenges, opportunities, innovations, breakthroughs, and sometimes serendipities, that have played a part in advancing the development of the power grid. Hear them demystify the fascinating workings behind one of the most impressive engineering feats of the modern era - the electricity grid. Plug in! We promise an electrifying experience with every new episode.

History of the electrical grid: A global perspective

Introduction to the electrical grid

The intricate network of power lines and substations that deliver electricity to our homes, industries, and cities is a marvel of modern engineering. This complex system, known as the electrical grid, has a long and fascinating history. Looking back at the origins and evolution of the electrical grid is crucial for an understanding of how the energy transition is driving the need for a more robust and intelligent power grid. High-voltage systems are the backbone of modern power grids, and as the energy transition progresses, these systems will play a critical role in integrating renewable energy sources.

This blog explores the fundamental concepts of high-voltage systems, their key components, and their applications in the energy sector. It also delves into the exciting advancements in grid innovations, digitalization, and sustainable technologies shaping the future of high-voltage grids. 

Discover more about the fascinating history and future of our electrical grids by tuning in to the first episode of the brand-new season of the Power Pulse podcast: The energy transition and the history of the electrical grid. 

From point-to-point to powerhouse:  Tracing the historical development of the grid

Early beginnings and technological advances 

The concept of an electrical grid can be traced back to the late 19th century. However, the earliest systems were far from the interconnected networks we see today. The first point-to-point transmission systems delivered electricity directly from a power plant to nearby locations, primarily using direct current (DC).

A significant turning point in the evolution of the electrical grid came with the invention of the transformer, which allowed for efficient changes in voltage levels. It paved the way for the widespread adoption of alternating current (AC). The ability to move energy over long distances and the fact that it was less expensive and simpler to “step up” to high voltages for efficient transmission and “step down” to lower voltages for safe distribution at the consumer level were two of AC’s most significant advantages over DC.

First submarine direct current power cable from the mainland of Sweden to the island of Gotland.

First submarine direct current power cable from the mainland of Sweden to the island of Gotland.

Major milestones in grid expansion

The electrical grid’s expansion has been a saga of continuous breakthroughs. Each milestone represents a continuous pursuit to expand and modernize the electrical grid on a global scale, ensuring it can keep pace with our evolving energy needs.

  • Early 20th century: Rise of regional grids - Early on, the late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a surge in grid development. Pioneering projects like the Niagara Falls power plant in North America and similar large-scale hydroelectric dams worldwide became the first major power sources. These, in turn, spurred the creation of regional grids to connect these centralized generators to wider areas. However, limitations in long-distance transmission initially confined grids to local areas.
  • Mid-20th century: Super grid revolution – Technological leaps like the construction of the first long-distance transmission lines and efficient turbines. It allowed for the construction of national or continental grids spanning vast distances and connecting previously isolated regional grids. This grid innovation enabled the delivery of electricity from remote power plants to far away consumers and marked a crucial step towards the interconnected grids we rely on today. This expansion trend continues today with ongoing projects like the Asian Super Grid aiming to link national grids across the continent.
  • Modern Era: Smart grids – Today’s “smart” grid, a dynamic evolution from its earlier, centralized form, leverages two-way communication technologies and advanced controls. This allows for real-time monitoring, automated adjustments, and integration of diverse energy sources, including renewables. Consumers are no longer passive recipients; smart meters provide energy usage data that empowers them to make informed choices. The grid itself is more resilient, with self-healing capabilities that can quickly identify and isolate problems to minimize outages. This smarter, more flexible infrastructure paves the way for a more sustainable and efficient energy future.

Discover Hitachi Energy’s role in the evolving energy sector.

Global differences in the electrical grid

Regional variations and their causes

The electrical grid is not a uniform web; it is a tapestry woven with regional variations shaped by needs and resources. Some nations boast interconnected grids, allowing for efficient power exchange and integration of renewable sources. In contrast, other regions have isolated grids with limited reach, which have to be operated as electrical islands. This disparity stems from several factors, like investment levels, geography, and natural resources. Wealthier nations can afford extensive infrastructure projects, while geography has a major influence on grid design. Finally, energy sources also contribute to variations. Countries rich in hydropower often prioritize hydroelectric dams, while regions with abundant sunshine might focus on solar power integration. These factors create a diverse global grid landscape, constantly evolving to meet regional demands. What they have in common is the requirement for grid upgrades to handle fluctuations. 

Case studies of unique grid systems

Developed nations like Europe and North America boast interconnected grids, where high-voltage AC transmission lines dominate. In contrast, developing regions in Africa often have isolated microgrids, typically powered by diesel generators. These serve localized communities but lack the stability and availability of interconnected systems. It is also clear that densely populated areas favor interconnected AC grids, while vast distances in regions like Siberia necessitate the use of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission due to its lower energy loss over long distance. Iceland, rich in geothermal resources, utilizes this clean energy source to power its national grid. Texas, on the other hand, has built vast wind farms to take advantage of wind power. 

A gas-insulated switchgear in a 1200 kV substation

A gas-insulated switchgear in a 1200 kV substation (Hitachi Energy)

The impact of grid evolution on modern energy systems

Technological legacy and modern adaptations

The term energy transition comes from the German word ‘energiewende,’ which means “energy turnaround.” Energiewende started in response to the Fukushima accident when the German government decided to transition from nuclear power to renewable sources. Today, the world is undergoing a significant shift towards decarbonization and renewable energy sources. This energy transition presents both challenges and opportunities for the electrical grid.

Traditional power systems were structured and engineered to accommodate uncertainties and variability regarding the demand side, supply from traditional power plants was mostly steady and could be controlled. Tomorrow’s power grid will not be centralized, nor fully predictable. The increasing decentralization of renewables generation and new kinds of loads, such as electric vehicle (EV) charging on microgrids, and modular sub-systems is making grid management even more delicate and complex.

Future outlook: innovations and challenges

Emerging technologies and future trends

One of the key challenges the grid faces is the intermittency of renewable energy sources. Unlike traditional fossil fuel and nuclear power plants that can operate continuously, solar and wind power generation fluctuates depending on weather conditions. Furthermore, renewable energy sources are often located in remote areas. High-voltage transmission lines become even more critical in this scenario. They enable the efficient transmission of surplus renewable energy from areas with high generation to regions with high demands, helping to balance the grid and integrate these fluctuating sources.

The future of the electrical grid lies in becoming smarter and more sustainable. Digitalization is the only way to manage grid complexity and simplify the contextualization of the data that will be generated. Another area where innovation is crucial for the sustainable future of the grid is in developing eco-efficient alternatives to sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), a potent greenhouse gas traditionally used in high-voltage equipment for its excellent dielectric properties.

Digitalization enables insight from the field to the control room

Digitalization enables insight from the field to the control room

Hitachi Energy is leading the charge in phasing out SF6 in high-voltage with its EconiQTM technology. EconiQ represents a complete portfolio of high-voltage equipment that utilizes an eco-efficient gas mixture instead of SF6. This alternative offers equivalent performance in terms of reliability, insulation, and arc interruption, but with a significantly reduced environmental impact. The transition away from SF6 is a vital step towards a carbon-neutral grid, and EconiQ paves the way for a more sustainable future of high-voltage systems.

EconiQ is 100% as reliable as the conventional SF6-based solution.

EconiQ is 100% as reliable as the conventional SF6-based solution.

Conclusion: reflecting on the past and looking ahead

In conclusion, the history of the electrical grid is a story of innovation and adaptation. As we move towards a future powered by renewable energy, high-voltage technology will continue to be a cornerstone of the energy transition, ensuring a reliable and sustainable electricity supply for generations to come.

To find out more about our game-changing EconiQ portfolio, tune in to Hitachi Energy’s Power Pulse podcast.

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Dr. Markus Heimbach
Executive Vice-President & Managing Director, High Voltage Products business unit, Hitachi Energy

Dr. Markus Heimbach is an Executive Vice-President and the Managing Director of the High Voltage Products Business Unit at Hitachi Energy.

He was a Scientist and Chief Engineer at RWTH Aachen University before joining Hitachi Energy’s predecessor in 1997. He worked in various roles within the Medium Voltage Products Business Unit and led it from 2007 to 2010. From 2010 to 2018, he was the Managing Director of the Transformer Business Unit. 

Dr. Heimbach holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, and an MBA from the University of Hagen, Germany.