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American Clean Power

October 3 - 4, 2023 | Boston, MA, United States

wtorek, 03.10.2023, 06:00 - środa, 04.10.2023, 16:30 EDT
Boston, MA, United States
Hynes Convention Center, 900 Boylston St

Offshore wind is an abundant clean energy solution for large population centers looking to source more of their power from clean sources, and falling costs make it increasingly economical.

Offshore wind is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and its momentum forward continues leading into ACP’s Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition this fall. The event has cultivated a dedicated and thriving global community of top developers and experts. As more steel goes in the water, this event will only continue to grow in value and scope.


day 1
Tuesday 3 October
Wind Asset Management: From Wind Uptime to Wind EBI
With the industry focusing mainly on Annual Energy Production (AEP) and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) thus far, new trends suggest focusing more on Annual Energy Profits and Levelized Value of Energy. This session explains the top 3 reasons for this shift in paradigm, digital solutions, and reference projects behind this shift in focus.
Gian Schelling
day 2
Wednesday 4 October
Connecting Offshore Wind by HVDC – Challenges and Opportunities for the US Market
The US offshore wind market is aiming to optimize the offshore transmission infrastructure by building meshed offshore grids. This session will give an overview of features provided by the VSC HVDC technology used in offshore wind applications. It will also address the challenges and opportunities with the “meshed ready” approach.
Peter Sandeberg