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Compas product selection program for tap-changers and bushings

Selecting components can be a challenging task for transformer design engineers, especially during the tendering stage as time can be of the essence. Engineers need to balance cost optimization with product performance while taking into consideration the large variation of tap-changer and bushing types.

Compas is a software application that helps engineers to select the correct tap-changer and bushing. Based on basic electrical characteristics well known to transformer engineers, the tool suggests the optimal component based on performance and cost. It also serves as a quick and easy tool for service engineers in retrieving product information when working on-site.

Key features in Compas:

  • Product selection
  • Product Documentation
  • Drawings
  • 3D models (for some products)
  • Product life cycle status (LCA)
  • Contact information


Document title ID
Compas product selection program https://compasproductselector.hitachienergy.com/compasweb/Compas.aspx
Pointing you in the right direction - Product flyer 1ZSC001535-ABC
Compas, Pointing you in the right direction - Video 1ZSC000717-ACY
Web Compas User's Manual 1ZSC000717-ADA

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