Ready to see Lumada APM in action?
Asset intensive industries face unprecedented challenges. In addition to supply chain shortages and bottlenecks, you also have aggressive sustainability targets and need to manage your resources and budgets. Asset performance management (APM) software empowers business leaders to ensure smarter, safer and more reliable operations. The decision is yours. Are you ready to get digital?
Dedicated dashboards show the health and prognostics of each individual asset class via a probability of failure (PoF) risk matrix. Through automated fault analysis, you can consult individualized health scores and indices. Our pre-configured library of over 175 physics-based, ML/AI (machine learning / artificial intelligence) and statistics models deliver unparalleled insights about your most complex assets. By gaining actionable insights and prescriptive recommendations, your operators are equipped with the information to prevent critical asset failures or those that could prematurely reduce design life.
With our advanced prognostics capabilities, you can see a multi-year risk forecast and explicit remaining time for when assets will reach critical conditions.
This intuitive, no-code solution enables you to simulate end-to-end asset scenarios to combine PoF and impact on the surrounding system. The impact, or importance, of a failure can include financial costs, environmental, system reliability, and safety factors. By combining PoF and impact, the module empowers reliability engineers to evaluate system risk. Through FMECA (Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis), structured analytical methodologies help to identify and prioritize the potential failure of a system, product, or process.
By aggregating system insights, you can identify vulnerable points along your network and assign the necessary resources towards maintenance efforts at those critical junctures.
Strike the right balance of asset performance, system risk, and costs to achieve business outcomes. Every business has a series of constraints such as budget, personnel, and timeline.
Our solution has a pre-built simulation feature that allows your team to conduct what-if scenario analyses based on these resources. Take advantage of a suite of decision factors, which includes building a fleet maintenance strategy, planning investment costs and resources, modelling business scenarios, and prioritizing your portfolio based on investment resource constraints.
By optimizing overall lifecycle costs, environmental considerations, and stakeholder expectations, you can sup-port financially sound asset investment decisions for your organization.
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Ready to get digital?
Hitachi Energy is proud to have a 100+ year legacy working with asset-intensive industries. We know your business and have built the models you need to manage your assets and systems. It turns out, we’re also experts in digital. By harnessing the data you already have, we can help you make timely, data-driven decisions about your assets to help you optimize availability and reliability.
Let’s get to work!