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Customer Success Story


765 kV Series Capacitors: A World First

In Brazil, a series capacitor rated at 1056 Mvar and supplied by Hitachi Energy has been commissioned in the FURNAS 765 kV AC power transmission corridor bringing hydro power from the vast Itaipu hydro power plant in the south-west of the country up to the customer area of São Paulo. The corridor, comprising three parallell 765 kV lines, is more than 900 km long. Series compensation is utilized in order to safeguard stable transmission of large amounts of hydro power along the corridor to the load area.

The series capacitor, located at the Ivaiporã substation (”Ivaiporã VI”), is part of the third line recently commissioned in the Ivaiporã-São Paulo section of the power transmission corridor. It is but the latest of its kind in a series of installations in the Itaipu-São Paulo power transmission corridor, where the first units were commissioned in 1989. Today, a total of eight series capacitors are in operation, all of which supplied by Hitachi Energy, six at Ivaiporã and two at Itaberá, the substations located about one third from each end of the tie. Ratings vary between 1017 Mvar (Ivaiporã) and 1242 Mvar (Itaberá).

Main data      
System       FSC
Commissioning year       1991
Rated voltage, kV 765  765  765  765 
Rated current, A  2780 2780 2780 2780
Rated power, Mvar 1017  1056 1056 1242
Deg. of compensation,%  40 50 50 50
Type of protection Dual gap Dual gap ZnO Single
ZnO varistor rating, MJ  - - 87 -
No of segments/phase 2 2 2 2

Plant layout, Ivaiporã/Itaberá