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Energy Sustainability Consulting​ Services


We have placed sustainability at the heart of our Purpose and made a promise to advance a sustainable energy future for all.

Under the Principles strand for action of our sustainability strategy, we are taking responsibility for our company governance and employee behaviors and are focusing on the following areas: ethics and integrity; sustainable supply chain; and behaviors and values.

Our top targets

All targets by 2030 unless otherwise specified.

Within our sustainability strategy’s Principles strand of action – and in alignment with relevant SDGs, our high-impact commitments, and Hitachi Energy’s guiding principles – are the following top targets:

Maintain ethics and integrity commitments > 90% Integrity metrics
Increase sustainability investments Capital expenditure (CAPEX) and research and development (R&D)
Annually increase suppliers assessed on ESG Yearly, based on spend
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Ethics and integrity 

Integrity is part of our license to operate. No matter how minor, we take resolute actions against any incidents of unfair business practices as part of our zero tolerance for corruption and bribery stance.

We want to ensure an effective and accountable environment to prevent, detect, and respond to unfair business practices. As part of this, we maintain a solid whistleblowing program that encourages the disclosure of issues and the protection of whistleblowers.

We believe that we can play a vital role within and outside of our organization and will continue to work with our partners, customers, suppliers, and authorities to achieve this.

Business value chain and sustainability. LCA, Life cycle assessment . Positive environmental impact to value chain product. Carbon footprint reduction. ISO LCA standard aims to limit climate change.

Sustainable supply chain

We are committed to responsible sourcing of the services, raw materials, and products we buy. We set out clear compliance requirements for engaging in ethical business through our Supplier Code of Conduct and in our materials compliance requirements on areas such as conflict minerals, cobalt, and substance of concern in products (SCIP).

We view this partnership and continuous improvement approach as vital in co-creating the pioneering technologies that are accelerating a just transition towards a sustainable energy future.

Business value chain and sustainability. LCA, Life cycle assessment . Positive environmental impact to value chain product. Carbon footprint reduction. ISO LCA standard aims to limit climate change.

Behaviors and values 

The behaviors we expect from those working for us reflect our values of safety, quality, and integrity and reaffirm our license to operate as a business. Our values are also shared with the wider Hitachi group – they are: harmony, sincerity, and pioneering spirit.