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Transformer Cooling Fundamentals

Please join us for our virtual Red TIE session. A Red TIE is a Technical Information Exchange (TIE). This is part of the Hitachi Energy global customer transformer training (CTT) program.



Photo of
Jerzy "Jurek" Kazmierczak

Product Technical Manager

Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Jurek currently is working as the Power Transformers Product Technical Manager for Hitachi Energy. Responsible for application engineering and technical support for Hitachi Hitachi Energy Power Grid's factories supplying Power transformers to North America.

He received his electrical engineering degree in 1998 at the Technical University of Lodz, Poland from the faculty of Electrical Machines and Transformers.

Working in the transformer business for over 22 years, he has been involved in new technology implementations in different factories and product and production process development. Being part of the Hitachi Energy global technical team, he contributed to numerous R&D projects, technology, and quality improvement initiatives.

Photo of
Mike Levesque

Marketing & Promotions Manager, Transformers North America

Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Available on demand

Transformer Cooling Fundamentals.