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Features Zurich, Switzerland 14-06-2022

3 min read

Hitachi Energy’s T-Sync tap-changers provide an easy replacement solution for Polish Utility

Hitachi Energy, a leader in transformer and tap-changer, designed a tap-changer with smaller dimensions than the conventional solution in the market.
Hitachi Energy’s on-load tap-changer helped minimize the transformer’s dimensions, permitting the new transformer to fit the existing transformer cell precisely.

Transformer manufacturer EthosEnergy has installed the compact three-phase star point tap-changers, part of the T-Sync platform for the first time enabling reduced dimensions for its transformer.

EthosEnergy core competencies focus on professional and comprehensive service solutions related to generators, transformers, turbines mechanical components and steel elements for power generation. The Lubliniec facility is located in the northern part of the Silesia Region, Poland. Ethos is producing transformers up to 500MVA and 400kV.

Electrical energy must be produced constantly at a rate that meets instantaneous demand. This is only possible with transformers equipped with on-load tap-changers to maintain a stable voltage level during dynamic loading conditions.

EthosEnergy has now installed Hitachi Energy’s T-Sync on-load tap-changers and bushings in a new transformer for one of the biggest Polish energy producers.

VUCLRN 380/1600 on-load tap-changer is part of Hitachi Energy’s T-Sync tap-changer portfolio and was manufactured in record time.

Hitachi Energy’s innovative technical replacement solution, attractive offer and extensive experience helped it win the contract, with its offer of a package of bushings and on-load tap-changers.

The Challenge

EthosEnergy’s biggest challenge was to design a 295MVA transformer with the same footprint as the existing 270MVA transformer. The three-phase star point on-load tap-changer design enabled EthosEnergy to reduce the transformer footprint by six square meters.

This entailed optimizing the transformer design to be as compact as possible while meeting all the key parameters and accommodating the upgraded power. It was imperative that key components such as the tap-changer also took up minimum space while fulfilling the required specifications.

Another challenge was the delivery timescales. The first unit of the on-load tap-changer was shipped to the customer in record time.

The Solution

To optimize space and maintain the required dimensions, the most suitable solution was to use ONE three-phase star point tap-changer. Using three single phase tap-changers and an additional booster would have provided an economic benefit to EthosEnergy.

Hitachi Energy’s on-load tap-changer helped minimize the transformer’s dimensions, permitting the new transformer to fit the existing transformer cell precisely. This solution was also economically beneficial to EthosEnergy.

“Hitachi Energy is our trusted business partner. For this project, we decided to order Hitachi Energy’s on-load tap-changer due to its high technical quality and short delivery timeline. The ordered component was made with great attention to high quality in a professional way according to required quality standards and norms,” said Rafał Maniara, Technical and Business Development Director from EthosEnergy.

The Impact

The transformer will be in service from Juny 2022 making a positive contribution to business by optimizing the entire transformer. The smaller amount of oil and tank steel used to produce this transformer has enabled cost savings and a more sustainable design.

Operating a larger power unit, supported by a transformer from EthosEnergy and equipped with Hitachi Energy’s on-load tap-changers, will provide a reliable power supply for the people living in southern Poland.

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