One vision across your power networks
The past three decades have seen a revolution within digital technology, leading to it becoming more popular than analog counterparts. This has helped utilities get additional insight into their power system by reading more ground level data.
Now with Industry 4.0, users are looking for more intelligent and automated results through web based technology, increased availability of efficient data management, and an intuitive supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) solution for a dynamic, safer and more reliable power network.
Complete functionality for real-time monitoring and control of primary and secondary equipment in transmission and distribution substations
Bringing you complete functionality for real-time monitoring and control of your power network
Bridging asset data with enterprise asset management software
Connecting operational data to network control center
Increased centralized visibility & control of electrical power network
Ultimate insight and control of your networks
Long history of industry expertise
- Well proven solution with over 30 years of experience and over 14,000 live systems.
- Guarantee of continuation of support and further development.
- Having such large installed base makes it natural to find experts for both, support and operation.
- Simply upgrading the server allows you to have the latest and cyber secure technology available in ageing systems.
- In-house development allows us to control the lifecycle and continuity of the compatibility in the future.
- Peace of mind that newer updates won’t require full retrofit and the ability to continuously receive patches and cybersecurity updates.
Simple and customizable
- This off the shelf as well as bespoke solution enables fewer hours in engineering and training for operation and maintenance staff.
- Based on the latest and open technology and therefore does not require unique skills nor binding to supplier.
Sehen Sie selbst, was MicroSCADA X für Sie tun kann.
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Umfassende Funktionalität für die Überwachung und Steuerung Ihres Energienetzes in Echtzeit
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