In an initial installation at TransnetBW in Germany, which supplies power to 11 million people and numerous industries, Grid-enSure will improve power quality in the transmission grid, by contributing to the grid inertia level by almost 2 GWs and decrease CO2 emissions by up to 40% over a 30-year lifetime compared to traditional alternatives
Project Details
Customer: German TSO TransnetBW
Location: Germany, Europe
Scope: 2x250 MVAR SVC Light® + 150 MW storage system
Client’s needs: improve power quality in the transmission grid which supplies power to 11 million people and numerous industries
Hitachi Energy’s innovative
SVC Light®
Enhanced STATCOM
Grid code compliant
High efficiency and low maintenance requirements lead to low operating costs.
Lowest carbon footprint in the market with best performance in power loss reduction.
Advanced control features like Grid Forming Control