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​Power grids around the world are undergoing an unprecedented transformation toward a more sustainable energy system, with all-times high share of renewable generation and increased consumption levels due to further electrification of transportation infrastructure and industrial processes.

​This trend, positive for our society, carries new challenges for grid stability and highlights importance of new interconnection, often through HVDC technology, between the different synchronous grid areas.

​In certain cases, it may be beneficial to realize a Combined Grid Solutions (CGS): a connection system with several purposes, going beyond the need of electrically interconnect point A to point B, but including integration of power sources along the corridor (AC and/or DC), compensation equipment of various kind, managing different grid scenarios and optimizing the overall grid operation.

​Join us to learn how Hitachi Energy, together with our customers, has embraced the challenge and opportunity to realized CGS, a case that could become more and more common in the years to come.