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The following searches apply only to products manufactured at our Alamo, TN, USA facility.

Hitachi Energy has introduced many online utilities to facilitate your search for transformer bushings. Please select one of the following searches.

Note: Cookies must be enabled in your browser for these tools to work properly. For more information click here.


  • Certified Test Reports (CTR)
    Online search access to all Hitachi Energy (Alamo) Certified Test Reports that you can download and print.
  • QSS (Quick Ship Styles) lookup (including Type AB QSS)
    QSS bushing styles are manufactured continuously, even if no particular order exists for a specific style. Hitachi Energy plans production volumes around industry demands and attempts to maintain QSS deliveries at 6 weeks (+ 2 weeks max) in Alamo, TN, USA. (Please note: While deliveries are dependent on incoming orders and therefore subject to change from day to day, Hitachi Energy will of course confirm the delivery date on receipt of your order.)
  • General bushing search by style number
    Use this tool if you know the exact Hitachi Energy BUshing style number.
  • Bushing dimensional search
    Use this tool to search for bushings by approximate dimensions and ratings.
  • Bushing cross-reference search
    Use this tool to search for any non-Hitachi Energy BUshing for cross-reference.

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