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HVDC and FACTS Cybersecurity Services

Cybersecurity is increasingly a topic which affects all aspects of life from consumer electronics to government to large corporations. All industries are affected either through the goods they produce or their internal infrastructures. Nowhere is this more important than in the critical sustainable energy sector, which is quickly becoming the energy source of the future, meaning operational assurances need to be guaranteed. As an industry leader and your business partner in electrical transmission, Hitachi Energy understands this and has developed programs and services to assist business partners with this concern.

Maintain system data integrity and operational availability

Reduce system vulnerability while increasing system security

Cost-effectively meet corporate/ regulatory requirements

Complex and confusing standards coupled with unique and diverse technologies create difficulties for transmission operators. To help customers with some of these cyber related burdens, Hitachi Energy has developed a number of services to assist with identifying and updating systems to reduce cyber attack surfaces and support compliance regulations.

Our Offering

Annual Security Refresh

An onsite visit to verify the pre‐existing customer cyber asset inventory and perform Cyber related system reviews

Security Update Management System

Patch tracking, validation and installation for Hitachi Energy AND third party software and devices

System Restoration Test

Test backup and recovery data and documentation

Cyber Vulnerability Assessment

An analysis of a system to identify opportunities to reduce attack surface

System Hardening

Analysis of older systems to update to the most current security posture available


An integrity check of the system


power plant engineer for substation

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