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TXplore™ transformer inspection robot

Power transformers have complex internal systems that degrade over time. As a consequence, it may be necessary to inspect the internal components for signs of abnormal operation. Hitachi Energy's TXplore accomplishes an internal inspection examining the structure of the transformer without the need to remove the oil and send an inspector into the confined space of a power transformer.

Using the TXplore™ system avoids the danger of a spill when handling the oil and the risk of sending someone inside the transformer to perform an inspection. This can be accomplished during a brief outage versus conventional inspections requiring multiple days. Also, when a traditional internal inspection is complete, significant cost savings is accomplished by avoiding the oil handling and processing equipment needed to remove the oil and reprocess and fill the transformer.

TXplore service can be scheduled ahead of time to take advantage of a planned outage with little or no increased downtime. It is also possible to deploy the service team to perform an inspection when unexpected issues are encountered.

Product scope

  • Use on any oil-filled power transformer
  • Compatible with mineral or ester fluids
  • Eliminates the risk of a person entering the confined space environment
  • Inspection can begin immediately after taking an outage
  • Significant reduction in outage time
  • No, or very little, oil needs to be handled
  • Eliminates the need for a confined space rescue team

Why Hitachi Energy?

  • Near real time images are available to Hitachi Energy transformer experts
  • As issues are identified, experts from around the world can provide diagnostic support
  • A report is provided to customers when issues place the transformer at risk with solutions to improve reliability
  • Unknown condition is identified with high quality images and expert review
TXplore™ internal transformer

Parts & Maintain

Hitachi Energy offers genuine, high-quality spare parts along with basic and advanced maintenance services.

Upgrade, Repair, & Extend

Hitachi Energy offers customized solutions to extend the life of your transformers.

Assess & Secure

Hitachi Energy offers online monitoring and asset management solutions, including diagnostic consulting services.


Our Global Service Teams are here to support you anytime!

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Serviço de transformadores

Ativos envelhecidos, o aumento da demanda de energia e a necessidade crítica de evitar interrupções não planejadas estão desafiando concessionárias de energia elétrica e indústrias em todo o mundo. O portfólio de serviços da Hitachi Energy permite que as concessionárias de energia elétrica e os setores industriais aumentem o retorno sobre os ativos dos transformadores, garantindo alta confiabilidade, reduzindo os custos do ciclo de vida e assegurando um desempenho otimizado enquanto reduz o impacto ambiental.
Hitachi Energy Power Transformers


A Hitachi Energy oferece transformadores de distribuição e energia, transformadores EconiQ™ e a seco, bem como serviços, para aplicações industriais e comerciais.