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Maintenance schedules are based on Hitachi Energy's decade-long experience in manufacturing and maintaining its products. Regular preventive maintenance helps facilitate forward budget planning. Using us as your supplier ensures access to true transformer and transformer component expertise paired with the capability to capture and address potential issues at an early stage.

To extend the life of your assets, Hitachi Energy provides preventive (eventually curative) actions to be performed on-site, aiming to maintain the performance of the transformer for which specific equipment and a higher degree of expertise are required. It is usually linked with diagnostic tests and possible engineering studies to clearly determine the most appropriate route of action and ensure condition-based maintenance.

Why Hitachi Energy?

  • Hitachi Energy has an extensive hands-on experience in preventive maintenance that will increase the asset’s reliability, reduce life cycle costs, and prolong the asset’s life.
  • All maintenance work performed is based on a thorough analysis to match the appropriate intervention with the asset life-cycle strategy chosen.
Transformer Service Routine Maintenance

Routine Testing and Inspection Services

OEM recommended annual inspections and testing that can be performed without taking an outage

  • DGA Oil Sample
  • Oil condition test (every 3rd year)
  • Visual inspection of bushings and tap-changer motor drive
  • Optional: Analysis and services

Basic Corrective Maintenance

Handle minor repairs as they occur to minimize major repairs later

  • Leak repairs
  • Gasket or valve repairs
  • Control equipment replacement

TXLife Routine Maintenance Package

Package our maintenance services to allow our experts to help plan annual inspections and maintenance to extend the life of your assets

Advanced Maintenance

Hitachi Energy provides advanced maintenance services for transformers to be performed on-site that aim to extend the life of your assets.

Transformers Parts

Hitachi Energy provides high-quality spare parts and consumables, sub-assemblies, or complete finished products for the maintenance of an existing installation.

Parts & Maintain

Hitachi Energy offers genuine, high-quality spare parts along with basic and advanced maintenance services.


Our Global Service Teams are here to support you anytime!

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Serviço de transformadores

Ativos envelhecidos, o aumento da demanda de energia e a necessidade crítica de evitar interrupções não planejadas estão desafiando concessionárias de energia elétrica e indústrias em todo o mundo. O portfólio de serviços da Hitachi Energy permite que as concessionárias de energia elétrica e os setores industriais aumentem o retorno sobre os ativos dos transformadores, garantindo alta confiabilidade, reduzindo os custos do ciclo de vida e assegurando um desempenho otimizado enquanto reduz o impacto ambiental.
Hitachi Energy Power Transformers


A Hitachi Energy oferece transformadores de distribuição e energia, transformadores EconiQ™ e a seco, bem como serviços, para aplicações industriais e comerciais.