

Customer Success Story

Eletrosul entrusts Hitachi Energy with IEC 61850 multi-vendor solutions

For the IEC 61850-compliant retrofit of the protection, monitoring and control units at the Osório and Gravataí 230/69 kV substations, a total of 55 IED 670 were installed.


For the IEC 61850-compliant retrofit of the protection, monitoring and control units at the Osório and Gravataí 230/69 kV substations, a total of 55 IED 670 were installed.

The new Atlântida station was equipped with 60 IED 670, 14 with redundancy and 32 without. Out of the 28.786 dynamic information objects available at Atlântida, 13.683 objects were mapped to the SAGE system and about 3.300 objects to the NCC. Highest availability and continuous command access to each line bay is ensured by interconnecting the redundant control IEDs to two Ethernet switches, one in the bay itself and another in the adjacent bay. The fault-tolerant Ethernet ring has dual links to the redundant station HMIs and NCC communication gateways. Separate access links are provided for remote parameterization as well as for network management. Control logics and interlocking use GOOSE messages between the gateways and IEDs as well as between redundant IEDs.

The conclusion

The challenging task of realizing an interoperable multi-vendor solution within a critical time span was optimally met. Extensive interoperability tests verified that all performance expectations could entirely be fulfilled. Redundant control IEDs for each line bay and a smart Ethernet topology satisfy highest availability requirements. Communication via GOOSE messages replaced parallel wiring for control and interlocking and created savings. Both the concept and engineering data of the optimized protection and control solution can be reused for future projects and even when upgrading the station level system.

Main data

Expansions are needed to the Osório and Gravataí 3 substations and a new substation, Atlântida, has to be built. The three 230/69 kV AIS stations are part of the National Interconnected System. Within these very first IEC 61850 substation automation projects, new bay control and protection IEDs shall be integrated directly with the SAGE supervisory system without any gateways. High availability shall be ensured by a redundancy concept. Interlocking and control logics shall be implemented using communication instead of copper wiring.


ELETROSUL implements Hitachi Energy’s IEC 61850 SA solutions in three 230/69 kV substations with full integration to SAGE* supervisory system:

  • Better user understanding and consistency of data, logics and standard documentation through
    SCL-based tools and object-oriented data model
  • Easy configuration of IED 670 with high functional integration
  • Faster commissioning and test procedures
  • Substantial reduction in copper wiring owing to GOOSE communication

About the customer

 Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A. is the power transmission utility in the South of Brazil. Founded in 1968 as a subsidiary of Centrais Elétricas Brasileiras S.A., Eletrosul owns and operates the high and extra-high voltage transmission grid in the states of Região Sul and Mato Grosso do Sul. Its grid comprises 9.015 km of transmission lines and 35 substations with 463 power transformers and an installed capacity of 15.066 MVA, including a converter station between Brazil and Argentina. It provides reliable high-quality energy supplies to approx. 28 million inhabitants and accounts for a 17 percent share of the country’s energy market.

Customer statement

 “A new and tremendous challenge for us was to include the IEC 61850 protocol within our SAGE * supervisory system with so many IEDs. We counted on both suppliers’ support and Hitachi Energy’s experience to make the projects successful. Thanks to their powerful tool environment, efficiency gains were noticeable already at Gravataí 3 substation. Even during commissioning, changes were easily introduced to logics, data points and philosophies and did not cause delays. This is thanks to the standardization that IEC 61850 brings, and the powerful system integration tools used”, says Gonzalo Humeres Flores, Project engineer, System engineering dept. at Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas S.A.