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Product Release Sweden 25-09-2020

2 min read

IED Connectivity Package version 2.4 for Relion® 650 series

The evolution of Relion 650 series continues with this release.


This new version of the IED Connectivity Package for Relion® 650 series enables the interaction between the Relion® 650 series version 2.2 IEDs and the Protection and control IED manager PCM600 version 2.10 or later.

New features and benefits

The new IED connectivity package enables handling of enhanced flexible product naming, extended Ethernet and protocol configuration, and easy GOOSE engineering from the Relion® 650 series version 2.2.

The new connectivity package enables support for the following new features in PCM600 version 2.10 and Relion® 650 series version 2.2:

  • Support for projects with IEDs that have flexible product naming enabled and IEDs with regular IEC 61850 data model.
  • Easy configuration of the, up to four, Ethernet ports.
  • Easy and simple protocol configuration for enhanced defense in depth protection.
  • GOOSE engineering made efficient with the easy GOOSE engineering feature
  • Simple configuration of merging units for IEC/UCA 61850-9-2LE
  • An easy way to configure routes for the TCP/IP protocols of the IED
  • Account management tool (support for active directory)
  • Enhanced session management
  • FIPS compliance support
  • Mixed IEC 61850 edition 1 and 2 support
  • Extended UDN length support

Read all about this release in the release note and the read me file.


Kind regards,

Marko Kovačić

Global Product Manager

Hitachi ABB Power Grids, Grid Automation