3 min read
A final thought
I hope that you enjoyed this Second Edition of Perspectives.
The Edition was built on the feedback and ideas that we received after publishing the First Edition last year. I would like to thank all the authors for their fascinating contributions, which explore pertinent and timely topics in a very human way.
The energy transition is one of the most important and urgent issues of our time. We know that electricity is increasingly becoming the backbone of the entire energy system. Yet what’s crucial is the speed at which investment is made available and the infrastructure deployed, as this will set the new pace for how fast and far society can shift towards carbon-neutrality.
Key technology themes highlighted in the projects mentioned in this Edition recognize the importance of increasing sustainability, resilience, security and safety of the world’s energy systems. They also reinforce the need for digitalization as an enabler for the transition. Perspectives from TenneT, Statnett, Elia Group, 50Hertz, Equinor and Singapore, and our own colleagues, all showcase examples of great progress in technology and business models. It is super encouraging to see that the pandemic has not stopped all of this purposeful innovation.
In the Perspective from Gerard we also discovered more about the potential pathways to mobilize finance to accelerate the energy transition. It was insightful to contemplate that money is not in fact the major obstacle, as long as both private and public sectors make a joint effort. In addition to technological innovation and financial stimulus, unlocking the acceleration that we strive for, needs more sustainable partnerships and trustful collaboration – a core foundation for the transformation to succeed. And this is exactly what I see in our own company: the best innovation always arises when teams work together with trust.
The whole purpose of Perspectives is to trigger the exchange of ideas that will help us all to accelerate the sustainable energy transition. Inclusive by intent, topics range from the integration of large-scale renewables to the electrification of transportation, industry and buildings sectors, along with other related topics that help to unblock and propel change.
Coming soon in Perspectives I am looking forward to finding out more about how different sectors are embracing this challenge of our time and trying out new possibilities. When we look back at history, it is often noted that following periods of great struggles come times of great innovation. Your feedback and ideas for future Perspectives are highly appreciated. Only by means of lively and fruitful exchange of different perspectives and a mindset of ‘co-creation’ resulting in idea implementation, can we create social, environmental and economic value for business and sustainable society.
Gerhard Salge
CTO and Technology Editor for Perspectives
This Perspective has been written by leaders in their own words prior to us becoming Hitachi Energy.