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Grid Integration Business

Sustainability innovation for high voltage systems

We are looking for new and innovative ways to improve sustainability in for example product material or supply chain to reduce the environmental footprint. Do you have the X-factor?


Creating a sustainable future for all is in our DNA, and we invite you to join us

For example, your contribution could be the solution to the following challenge

For parts of our portfolio, we are using fluorinated ethylene propylene and polyvinylidene fluoride (FEP/PVDF) for cooling system tubes which presents a significant environmental and regulatory challenge that aligns poorly with our Hitachi Energy's commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly innovation. FEP, like other per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), is renowned for its exceptional chemical resistance and thermal stability, making it an ideal choice for ensuring the leakage-free cooling of power electronic components. However, the environmental impact and health concerns associated with PFAS substances necessitate a re-evaluation of their use in our products.

Our challenge is to find innovative solutions to reduce the environmental footprint for our cooling systems. It could be solved by replacement of material, improving processes, treatments or coatings of material, or ideas for secondhand usage of the material. Other approaches to solve our challenge is to bring in discovery platforms for materials by utilizing AI.

The future end solution will have to comply with the requirements of sufficient electrical insulation, purity, manufacturability (ability to make couplings, bends etc.), high temperature resistance (-60-100C), pressure resistance, low flammability and long lifetime.

In our pursuit of a greener future, the energy industry faces a critical challenge: how can we enhance the sustainability of our electricity grids while maintaining reliability and safety? As we transition towards cleaner energy sources, we are always interested in innovative ideas for improved sustainability. One consideration could be the replacement of materials used in high-voltage equipment. Another could be ensuring the right sustainable decisions are taken in our supply chain.

This start-up challenge invites visionary entrepreneurs, engineers, and material scientists to contribute groundbreaking solutions and innovative ideas. We are constantly looking for ways we can improve our global environmental footprint.

Do you have the X-factor?

You are welcome to apply even if your solution is not completely within the above scope. We are always open for out-of-the-box solutions that help us advance a sustainable future for all. We are open for innovative ideas from other application areas and are happy to enter co-development models for productization and compliance with our standards to reach a commercial product.

Winners earn:

Team up with our Hitachi Energy experts during the 10-days coaching stage
Be part of the 3 challengers in each track earning a spot in the final selection and award ceremony event in Zurich, Switzerland, and meeting the Hitachi Energy Senior Management Team
Win up to US$30.000 to collaborate and develop the solution with Hitachi Energy, to show and share the solution in a pilot or customer test case

Hitachi Energy Collaborators

Karla Lainez Amaya

Sustainability Solutions Manager

Ilija Mrvelj

Head of Strategy PMO & Head of Customer Experience

About Grid Integration business

Hitachi Energy’s Grid Integration business unit offers a wide range of pioneering and sustainable technologies, services, and solutions for our customers and partners to plan, build, operate, and maintain their critical grid systems. The offering spans from consulting services that helps in the first phases of planning projects and complete grid systems to high-voltage direct current (HVDC), power quality and grid solutions, e-mobility and transportation solutions, semiconductors and advanced service solutions.

Grid Integration has over 15,000 systems operating globally across more than 50 countries, connecting power from generators to industry, transportation, and infrastructure end users. As a global leader in HVDC, we integrate over 150 GW of HVDC links into the power system, helping our customers enable more wind and solar. Our pioneering solutions also interconnect grids, optimize the quality of the power transmitted, and enable the fast-growing electrification of the transportation sector, helping our customers and partners advance a sustainable energy future for all.  

Learn more about our offerings:

Power Consulting

Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)

High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)

Substation & Electrification

