

Customer Success Story


Increased power transmission capacity in a 500 kV grid by installation and refurbishing of series capacitors

In British Columbia, an Hitachi Energy series capacitor has been commissioned in the McLeese substation in the 500 kV network of BC Hydro. The series capacitor, rated 605 Mvar, was installed in a new line segment running in parallell with two previously existing 500 kV lines having the purpose of bringing hydro power from the G.M. Shrum and Peace Canyon hydro power stations in the north of the country down to the Vancouver area, a distance of more than 900 km.

The task of the series capacitor is to secure a balanced power flow over the parallel lines, and to increase the system transient stability, so that a total transfer capability of 3.300 MW can be maintained even at loss of one of the three lines.

The series capacitor is protected by a gapless ZnO scheme, designed to withstand the stresses of faults external to the compensated line without bypassing of the series capacitor.

With the series capacitor installation at McLeese, all three 500 kV lines passing through this substation are series compensated (Fig.1). The installation was part of an upgrading process which also included the refurbishing of existing series capacitors at Kennedy and Chapmans substations, likewise entrusted to Hitachi Energy.

Main data
System FSC
Commissioning year 2002
Number of banks 1
System voltage 500 kV
Rated current 1950 A
Rated reactance 53 Ω
Degree of compensation 50 %
Rated reactive power 605 Mvar
Protective system Gapless MOV
Rated MOV energy 95 MJ
MOV design criteria External faults