

Customer Success Story


SVC for increased hydro power transmission and power quality improvement in northern Manitoba’s 230 kV transmission grid

The Wuskwatim Generation Project in Manitoba, Canada, involves the development of a 200 MW hydropower generating station at Wuskwatim and Taskinigup Falls on the Burntwood River.

In addition to the generating station, the project requires new transmission lines and substations to deliver the electricity into Manitoba Hydro’s power transmission system. A Static Var Compensator (SVC), commissioned in 2011 by Hitachi Energy and located at the Birchtree 230 kV substation south of Thompson, Manitoba, is also included in the transmission system.

The purpose of the SVC is to enable an increase of the power transfer capability from Manitoba Hydro’s northern system by contributing voltage support, preventing excessive first swing transient voltage dips, and power oscillation damping (POD) in the 0.2 Hz to 1.8 Hz range. Due to nearby industrial loads, including a smelter, power quality improvement by means of flicker mitigation is the task of the SVC, as well. 

To summarize, the purpose of the SVC is to: 

  • Control the Birchtree 230 kV positive sequence voltage for steady-state and post-fault conditions 
  • Mitigate voltage flicker 
  • Enhance the damping of electro-mechanical oscillations in the 230 kV system
Main data
System SVC
Commissioning year 2011
Controlled voltage 230 kV
SVC rating

60 Mvar inductive to 110 Mvar capacitive (-60/+110 Mvar); 
60/+165 Mvar for 10 sec every 30 min.

Control scheme

Closed loop, three-phase symmetrical control by means of a voltage regulator; 
Negative-phase sequence voltage control for flicker reduction

Thyristor valve PCT and BCT type thyristors, water cooled, indirect light firing

Birchtree: SVC for increased hydro power transmission and power quality improvement in northern Manitoba’s 230 kV transmission grid