

Customer Success Story

Ameren Illinois

Preventing critical asset failures with Lumada APM

The client

Ameren Illinois delivers energy to 1.2 million electric and 816,000 natural gas customers across a service territory covering more than 1,200 communities and 43,700 square miles. Ameren is the state’s second-largest regulated energy company and the only utility in the state delivering both natural gas and electricity.

The challenge

Ameren Illinois has more than 1,200 substations over 4,500 miles of transmission lines and 46,000 miles of distribution lines that need to be maintained and upgraded, involving thousands of transformers, circuit breakers, and other assets. Ameren needed a solution to leverage its data to better predict the health of its assets and prevent the failure of its vital substation equipment, particularly transformers that had been in operation for 40 or more years.

The solution

Ameren Illinois’ search for visibility into timely data and a flexible, systematic, and repeatable model eventually led them to one solution: Lumada APM. APM provided Ameren an unparalleled fleet-wide view of their assets with connected asset lifecycle management workflows delivered via a world-class, secure, and extendible analytics platform. Through the solution’s consolidated analysis, Ameren was able to gather vast amounts of information on each asset from multiple data silos and evaluate them to determine the health of their assets and manage their risk. Upon implementing the APM solution, Ameren prioritized the high-risk transformers for immediate attention based on asset risk.

Electric tower
Electric tower

“The asset models built into APM software enable us to reduce ineffective time-based practices and maximize resources, eliminating a huge backlog of data input for our maintenance engineers.”

– Donald Borries, Supervising Engineer of Substation Maintenance, Ameren Illinois
Location United States
Industry Utilities
Solutions used Lumada APM