

Unlocking new benefits & enhancing resiliency: energy storage services for the digital distribution utility

Join Hitachi Hitachi Energy's industry experts for an online discussion about Unlocking new benefits & enhancing resiliency: energy storage services for the digital distribution utility

Energy storage systems can remove load from the power grid to avoid or defer new power capacity investments. They do this by either reducing peak demand (which is especially important at present, given that DSOs cannot predict the load due to the uptake of EVs or large consumers who have installed PV, etc.), or by reducing system load growth, while simultaneously improving network reliability and availability and lowering consumer rates. Join this webinar to learn more about the impact of energy storage on distribution utilities!


Hamideh Bitaraf

Senior Advisor Grid Edge Solutions

Gary Rackliff

VP of Smart Grids of North America

John Glassmire

Senior Advisor Grid Edge Solutions.

Theodoros Oikonomou

Global Product Manager

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